Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ramadan Rules In Islam During Fasting Times

Ramadan Rules In Islam During Fasting Times

The Holy month of Ramadan is going to start from May 27th and will be end in the evening of Saturday, June 26, 2017. Ramadan is a month of peace. It brings happiness and pleasure to all Muslim. Every year Muslim celebrates this month in many way. Mainly, they refrain from all forms of drinking and eating. There are some rules in Ramadan Month. Every Muslim should abide by these rules.

Also Read: Happy Ramadan SMS and Text Messages For Mobile

Most Common Rules In Ramadan:

  1. You must have the intention to fast before fajr (dawn) every night in the month of Ramadan. The intention doesn't need to be spoken, because actually it's an act of the heart, that doesn't involve the tongue. it'll be fulfilled by one's intention from the heart to fast out of obedience to Allaah seeking His pleasure.
  2. Abstaining from acts that nullify the fast.
The second essential part for your fast to be accepted is that you just abstain from the acts that nullify the fast from dawn to sunset.
If you maintain these 2 essential parts during fasting month, then your fast are going to be valid and accepted.

What can't you do during Ramadan:

  1. Intention of eating and Drinking
    If somebody try to eat or drink in Ramadan due to forgetfulness, a mistake, or coercion, then his fast is still valid and will continue to fast. If you choose to eat or drink, for any reason, then your fast will become invalid.
  2. Intentional vomiting
    If one is overcome by the urge to vomit, and vomits accidentally, then he should continue to fast. If somebody chooses to vomit, for any reason, then his fast will become invalid.
  3. Intentional sexual issues
    If one has sexual intercourse while fasting, then he should perform kaffaarah, expiation of the sin. (Fasting continuously for sixty days or if unable then one should feed sixty poor people).
  4. Menstrual or childbirth bleeding
    The fast becomes invalid during menstrual or post-childbirth bleeding. even if such bleeding begins just before sunset, the fast of that day is invalid and also the day should be made up at a later time.
All the actions mentioned above are set by all scholars. However, there are another actions that aren't mentioned above that aren't set.

What can you do during Ramadan:

There are some actions that are permitted to do in the month or Ramadan, which will not nullify the fast. as an example:
  1. Taking a shower in Ramadan
    It is permissible to shower, for any reason, even if you're showering because of thirst or being hot.
  2. Taking injections in Ramadan
    It is also permitted to take injections in Ramadan for nutritional or medical purposes; there's no text that proves this invalidates the fast.
  3.  Rinsing the mouth and nose Rules in Ramadan
    It is permitted to rinse the mouth and nose without exaggeration; using too much water may cause you to swallow water, which can invalidate your fast.
  4. Taking a shower in Ramadan
    It is permissible to shower, for any reason, even if you're showering because of thirst or being hot.
  5. Applying eyeliner or eye drops Rules in Ramadan
    It is permissible to apply kohl (eyeliner) or eye drops or anything to the eyes, even if some taste from it finds its way to the throat.
  6. Accidental consumption Rules in Ramadan
    Your quick will not become invalid if you consume something that you just couldn't protect yourself from. For example, swallowing your saliva or accidentally swallowing dust or sifted flour that has accidentally entered your mouth.
  7. Being in a state of janaabah in Ramadan
    Your fast will still be valid even if you find yourself during a state of janaabah (a major ritual impurity) after fajr (dawn) has arrived. Ghusl (a full bath) will still be performed once the time of fajr has begun.
  8. Taking suppositories Rules in Ramadan
    Similarly, it's permissible to have an enema or douche. The injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for cleansing, as a laxative, or for different therapeutic purposes, or the use of a suppository (a solid medication designed to melt among a body cavity) or any other drugs that can be used in the private parts, whether within the front or back is permissible. there's no text that considers these acts to nullify the fast.
  9. Kissing and embracing one's spouse in Ramadan
    It is permissible to kiss and embrace your spouse as long as one is able to manage oneself.
  10. Drawing blood in Ramadan
    It is also permissible to draw blood in any quantity for any reason. If drawing blood weakens the person, it'll be considered a disliked action.
  11. Tasting food with the tongue Rule in Ramadan
    Your fast will be valid even if you taste food with your tongue or use toothpaste or mouthwash as long as nothing is swallowed.

Why do Muslims fast in Ramadan?

While some Ramadan rules are detailed in the Hadith (accounts of the prophet Muhammad's life, the most gist will be found within the Qur’an.

“O you who believe! fasting is prescribed for you because it was prescribed for those before you, that you just might attain Taqwa [God-consciousness]. – The Qur’an, Al-Baqarah:183

“The fast is performed to find out discipline, self-restraint and generosity, while obeying God’s commandments,” consistent with CAIR. Like Catholics who fast for lent, Muslims fast to get nearer to God. unlike jewish abstinence for yom kippur, Ramadan isn’t such a lot about atonement. abstinence is one in all the 5 pillars of Islam, after (1) monotheism (2) daily prayer (3) charity and before (5) pilgrimage to Mecca. In several Muslim families, Ramadan is a time of togetherness, just like the shared worship of a Christmas mass or the shared cooking and facetime of Thanksgiving.